Video: Sharks Caught On Camera Swimming Through Schools Of Fish Off NY Coast

A scientist has captured a video showing sharks swimming through huge schools of fish off the New York coast.

A scientist recently captured a video showing sharks swimming through huge schools of fish off the Long Island coast.

A scientist recently captured a video showing sharks swimming through huge schools of fish off the Long Island coast.

Photo Credit: Pixabay/Couleur

Chris Paparo, who runs the "Fish Guy Photos" YouTube channel, wrote in his channel's description that he is a "wildlife photographer, writer and lecturer," who manages the Marine Sciences Center on Long Island at the Southampton campus of Stony Brook University.

The video was captured on Saturday, July 24. Paparo said the sharks were swimming off the coast of Southampton to feed on schools of Atlantic Menhaden.

Recent shark sightings at Jones Beach and Atlantic Beach in Hempstead have prompted temporary closures. 

Check out the video here.

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